FREE Australian Curriculum Term Planners

A few years ago I started doing term planners. A place where I could record the main idea that I was going to cover for particular lessons each week.

 They have been such a HUGE time saver for me! 

I look at the Australian curriculum outcomes and pull out the big ideas. I sequence them in an order that works best and make sure I take into account what I have to report on and when.

Having a term planner makes my life soooo much easier when I go to do my weekly planners. It means I don’t have to keep referring back to the Australian Curriculum documents and waste time working out what content to cover each week.

Not all topics are explicitly planned out on my term planner. For some topics, like text types, HASS and Science I do unit planners as each lesson can differ a lot from one another. Where as the ones that are planned out in the term planner are lesson that tend to follow the same style each week or in the case of maths are so big and dependent on the student level that I am not able to plan them out more before the term has started.

Each week I have a new focus for each of my learning areas and in first term I like to try and cover as wide a scope as I can in terms of curriculum content while reviewing what they should have learnt in the previous grade.

I know the beginning of the year is CRAZY! (Who am I kidding- the whole year is CRAZY!)

So I thought I would give you term planners for years 1 to 6 FREE to help you off to a great start this year!

These planners are editable so you can change and tweak them as you need but we all know it is easier to go from something already started then to start from scratch.

Just click the image below to sign up to my newsletter and I will send you the link to my term planners for years 1 to 6! Also, including specific planners for composite classes of two year levels. 

Want to know more about how I plan my files? Check out my YouTube video below!


glenys sims

glenys sims

some good ideas, thank you

Louise Nancarrow

Louise Nancarrow

Hi Amy I would love to see your planners. I am unable to subscribe however, due to a landing page problem. Can you get in touch and let me know how I can access? Thanks so much,

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