Would you rather lose the sense of hearing or sight? Live with 100 people or alone? Talk really fast or slow?
Did those questions make you think? Were they fun to answer?
Would you rather questions are great for use as:
These can be great for allowing students to get to know each other as they learn interesting and unusual pieces of information about each other while being fun. As there are no right or wrong answers students don’t have to worry about the answers they give.
Brain Breaks
Posing these questions can be great for breaking up the day or a lesson. Brain breaks help to get students focused and energised.
Creative Thinking
These questions promote creative thinking as students must take many different things into account to make a choice when often you would rather not do either or would want to do both.
Writing Activities
These questions make great persuasive writing topics and can be used to promote spelling, grammar, handwriting and/or text structure.
Reading Activities
Students can read other students responses or research their answers.
ICT Activities
Get students to research their answers on the internet or record their responses on an iPad. They can type up their answers, publish their responses or make a PowerPoint.
Speaking and Listening Activities
Students can practise conventions of speaking and listening by sharing there thoughts with others including formal presentations and debates.
Cooperation Skills
Students can work together to learn from another, work together and support each other.
Maths Activities
Gathering, recording and presenting data on preference can be fun and enlightening.
Your students are guaranteed to enjoy all these questions!
Here are some activities to try:
Present a question to students and have them record their choice and a brief explanation on a piece of paper. They scrunch up the paper and stand in a circle. On the teachers signal they throw it at someone's feet then pick up other balls and continue throwing them until the teacher says stop. Everyone grabs a ball, unwraps it and one by one reads what it says to class. This is great for topics where students might be reluctant to share or uncomfortable.
Elevator Speech
Present a question to students and allow them 1 minute to talk about their choice and the reasoning behind it. This can be in front of a whole class to develop oral presentation skills or in pairs or small groups to begin to develop speaking confidence or persuasive arguments.
If this sounds like something you want to do in your class check out my Would You Rather Activity Pack.